March Beauty Report. Published April 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on hair, nails and skincare trends.
For more insights and data storytelling on how the world is searching, follow us on Twitter @GoogleTrends and Instagram @googletrends. All data is correct at the time of writing.

Daily Quiz

Which is more searched in the US over the last month?

modern french manicure or micro french manicure?

Beauty Report

All data is based on March 2024 in the US, unless otherwise stated

  • Search interest in “nail charms” reached a record high in March 2024 with “hello kitty nail charms” being a breakout search

  • “bubble bath square round nails” more than tripled, reaching an all time high in March

  • curly hair routine” hit an all-time high March 2024

  • asian mullet” hit an all-time high in the US in March 2024

  • bardot bangs” and “wispy curtain bangs” were the top trending types of bangs

  • REFY Lash Sculpt was the top trending mascara

  • Search interest in “boyfriend blush” more than tripled

  • Search interest in “perfume to bed” rose +275%

  • “broccoli freckles” was a breakout search, and the top trending freckles search

GRAPH: Historically, “long nails” has been searched more but in 2023, “short nails” have begun to surpass “long nails”


Top trending nail design

March 2024, US

  1. Butterfly nails

  2. French tips with design

  3. Tulip nail design

  4. Cloud nail design

  5. Palm tree nail design

Top trending hair cuts / hair styles

March 2024, US

  1. Friar tuck

  2. French crop

  3. Takuache

  4. Wolf cut

  5. Cornrows

Trending hair clips

March 2024, US

  1. Flower claw clips

  2. Coraline hair clips

  3. Miffy hair clips

  4. Butterfly hair clip

  5. Bride hair clip

Trending makeup styles

March 2024, US

  1. Strawberry makeup

  2. Prom makeup

  3. Trad goth makeup

  4. Mob wife makeup

  5. Clean girl makeup

Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined

Simon Rogers

Data Editor, Google


with Sabrina Elfarra and Katie Seaton



Багато хто чув про камінь таффеїт, але мало хто знає, що це дуже рідкісний камінь. Був відкритий графом Таффе з Ірландії, завдяки чому і отримав своє ім’я. Має цікаві властивості, що відрізняє його від багатьох інших дорогоцінних каменів. Цінується досить високо, тому вартість його на ринку досить велика. Єдине, складно дістати оригінальний самоцвіт. Дуже часто трапляються підробки.

У 60-х роках XX століття було проведено необхідні дослідження, і з’ясувалося, що цей рідкісний мінерал – самостійний вид. Він має іншу природу, ніж інші камені. У результаті вийшло, що любитель відкрив новий вид мінералу. Спочатку Таффе зацікавили властивості каменю, що не відповідають його кольору. Існують й інші назви таффеїту, наведемо найуживаніші:

  • беринель;
  • магнезіотааффеїт;
  • бемагаліт.

Місця видобутку

Як уже зазначалося, таффеїт – камінь надзвичайно рідкісний, і знайти його можна лише в кількох куточках планети. Ще дуже важливо, щоб самоцвіт був необхідної якості, бо в іншому разі його не можна буде використовувати в ювелірній справі. Він буде або недостатньо міцний, твердий, або недостатньо красивий. Отже, найкращі камінчики розробляються на Шрі-Ланці поблизу міста Ратнапура.

Зрозуміло, в цьому місці видобувають не тільки ці самоцвіти, а й сапфіри, агати, аметисти, аквамарини та інші. Потрібно згадати, що найбільший кристал таффеїту, який був знайдений тут, має розмір 71 карат.

Хімічний склад

Хімічний склад непростий: Mg3Al8BeO16. Тобто цей рідкісний камінь не що інше, як похідна магнію, алюмінію, берилію. З формули стає зрозуміло, чому самоцвіт такий рідкісний.

Звичайно, є домішки, це:

  • хром (Cr);
  • цинк (Zn);
  • залізо (Fe).

Крім того, що камінь дуже рідкісний, не обходиться без різновидів, вони мають дещо іншу структуру, інші домішки, загальна формула також трохи змінюється. Йдеться про такі камені, як мусгравіт (Австралія, гора Мусгрейв), феротаффеїт (з великим вмістом заліза), тапробаніт (Тапробана – так раніше називався Цейлон).

Якщо розглянути в мікроскоп кристали таффеїту, то можна помітити, що вони часто мають неправильну зерноподібну форму. Але також є і гармонійні зразки, здебільшого у формі призми і піраміди.


Забарвлення перебуває в межах відтінків червоного: від слабо-рожевого, майже прозорого, до насиченого фіолетового. Якщо таффеїт майже безбарвний, то він може бути блакитним або зеленуватим. Такі кристали цінуються дуже високо, але їх дуже легко сплутати з іншим дорогоцінним камінням, яке коштує в кілька разів дешевше.

Потрібно зазначити, що мінерал дуже крихкий. Заломлення променів дуже високе, тому таффеїт дуже легко відрізнити від його аналогів. Спайність відсутня зовсім. Твердість – 8,5 за шкалою Мооса. Щільність – 3,6 г/см3. Видно, що щільність звичайна за дуже високої твердості. Потрібно визнати, що обробляти камінь не так просто, але після ограновування він надзвичайно довговічний. Не реагує на температуру, сонячне світло, сприйнятливий до кислот та інших хімічних впливів.

Лікувальні властивості

Насамперед самоцвіт чинить седативну, заспокійливу дію, тобто розслабляє людину, покращує настрій, нормалізує сон. Сприятливо впливає на нервову систему. Для отримання такої дії потрібно надягати на ніч браслет. Крім того, напади страху і кошмари минуть і не будуть вас переслідувати.

Якщо у вас каблучка або кулончик, то вдень ваша працездатність збільшиться, ви відчуєте прилив сил, бадьорість, бажання жити. Посилює почуття, можете сильно закохатися не за віком. Дівчатам додасть шарму. Чоловіки набудуть статевої сили.

Магічні властивості

З давніх-давен відомі магічні властивості самоцвіту. Маги використовують камінь для залучення коханого, привороту. Якщо камінчик одягне сімейна людина, то отримає щастя в сімейному житті, припиняться сварки й образи, настане період спокою й умиротворення.

Потрібно бути обережним, оскільки цей період незабаром закінчиться. Камінь потрібно знімати, оскільки його дія може вичерпатися. Дівчатам, щоб знайти коханого, потрібно носити браслет з камінчиком на лівій руці. Чоловіки повинні носити каблучку на середньому пальці бажано правої руки, але це може заважати роботі.

Амулет, талісман, оберіг

Використовується як талісман людьми, які зайняті будь-яким прикладним ремеслом. Наприклад, люблять його художники-оформлювачі, скульптори, а також теслі, слюсарі. Майстерність із цим самоцвітом підвищуватиметься, а повага до вас як до майстра зростатиме. Дуже радять камінь музикантам. Як оберіг використовують дуже рідко.



Серед небесної височини,

Блакиті й тиші

Ширяє ДРАКОН… У своєму польоті

Охоплює серцем небеса.

Його ДУША прагне туди –

До вершин, до таємниць світобудови!

Туди, де жевріє ПРИЗНАННЯ,

І де горить його ЗІРКА…

Туди, до Вселенських статуй,

Де в лазуритах небеса,

Де він усвідомлює ПОКЛИК,

Де пізнаються ЧУДЕСА…

Біля ніг його розпластана ЗЕМЛЯ –

Земні гори і долини,

А далі океани і моря,

Всипані мінералами рівнини…

Агат, аквамарин там, розсип таффеїтів,

Арагоніти і кристали на полях.

На крилах кварців поєднання димних,

Пухнасті хмари на небесах.

І зелень очей у мерехтінні хризоліту

Манить і занурює в глибину.

Притягує погляди, як магнітом,

І відчуваємо ми гармонію і тишу….



General characterization

Tridymite is a rare mineral that forms clusters of three crystals. Hence its name: “tridimos” means “triple” in Greek. The first description of the gem was made by geologist Gerhard von Rath.


In its chemical composition tridymite is identical to quartz – SiO2. That is why this gemstone under the influence of high temperatures (about 870 ° C) is transformed into quartz. Subsequent increase in temperature leads to the transformation of the mineral into coesite. Sometimes there are impurities of iron or aluminum in the composition of tridymite. However, their percentage is very small and does not affect the color of the stone.

The stone is characterized by a white color, sometimes it is colorless. Its crystals are transparent or translucent. However, crystals with high purity are almost never found in nature. Most of them have various defects and microcracks.

Main physical properties:

hardness – 6.5-7
density – 2.27 g/cm3
luster – glassy
transparency – transparent, translucent
cleavage – absent
singony – rhombic


The origin of the stone is magmatic. Its crystals have the shape of hexagonal plates. The aggregate of these plates forms fan-shaped, kidney-shaped or scaly aggregates.

The mineral is commercially mined in the San Cristobal deposit in Mexico and Veseh in Slovakia. Small crystals are occasionally found in the USA (Utah), Japan (Ishigayama), and Germany. Large amounts of tridymite are also found in meteorites.


Despite its external attractiveness, the gem is practically not used in jewelry. The small size and hexagonal shape of the crystals make it difficult for jewelry processing. However, it is often possible to find jewelry with various silicon minerals that contain tridymite inclusions. Tridymite is especially common in opal, agate, and chalcedony.

Magical properties

Tridymite protects family relationships and helps to find your other half. It enhances the feeling of love and helps to avoid quarrels in personal relationships. Also this stone is an amulet from various scammers and financial losses.

Meaning in astrology

This stone harmonizes with the entire zodiacal circle. Tridymite can be used without restrictions. However, astrologers believe that the strongest impact it has on Aries and Gemini.

Medicinal properties

Tridymite is attributed the ability to cure infertility and impotence. It normalizes the hormonal background, and therefore promotes pregnancy. Lithotherapists also recommend wearing it to those who want to lose weight.

The merging of energies gives sometimes surprising bursts and discoveries. Interacting with stones, we discover new directions in our creativity, which in turn give a new round of inspiration.

Covered by the veil of the transparent sky,

A mystery is born in the interstellar distance.

In agate lace, in the shape of light,

In the azure glow, in complete silence.

In deep prophecies, in the mysteries of birth,

In karmic connections and starry worlds,

Earth’s creature appears to the world,

Whose image is manifested in the crystal rays….

LOVE fills worlds and spaces.

The source is GOD, and the particles of love

Are planted in us to be born again,

In that frosted glow, in the light of dawn….

Fashion Month Round-Up. March 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on Fashion Month.
For more insights and data storytelling on how the world is searching, follow us on Twitter @GoogleTrends and Instagram @googletrends. All data is correct at the time of writing.

Daily Quiz

Which Fashion Week was searched more in Denmark in the past month?

Paris Fashion Week or Copenhagen Fashion Week?

Fashion Week

  • Street style is the top trending topic searched with fashion in the US in the past 12 months

  • Coquette aesthetic is the top trending aesthetic searched in the past month and “coquette dress” searches reached an all-time high in February 2024 in the US

  • Ashanti was the top trending person searched with Fashion Week and Balmain was the top trending designer brand in the past month

  • Max Mara coat is the top trending apparel search query in the Fashion & Style category in the past month

Big Four fashion weeks, ranked

past month, global

  1. Paris Fashion Week

  2. Milan Fashion Week

  3. New York Fashion Week

  4. London Fashion Week

Top trending fashion week shows

past month, global

  1. Louis Vuitton

  2. Lacoste

  3. Alexander McQueen

  4. Valentino

  5. Balenciaga

Top trending fashion week looks

past month, global

  1. Nude look

  2. Leather jacket street style

  3. Western

  4. Linen

  5. Layered gold chains

Top trending fashion week brands and designers*

past month, global

  1. Louis Vuitton

  2. Victoria Beckham

  3. Givenchy

  4. Valentino

  5. Chanel

Top trending fashion week attendees and models*

Past month, global

  1. Bianca Censori

  2. Damso

  3. Olivia Wilde

  4. Sam Smith

  5. Karina

*Data includes searches for all fashion weeks

Top searched fashion styles

Past month, global

  1. Acubi

  2. 70s

  3. Boho

  4. Italian

  5. 1990s

MAP: Most Searched Fashion Weeks by state (past month)

Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined

Answer: Paris Fashion Week

Simon Rogers

Data Editor, Google


With Sabrina Elfarra

Better safe than sorry(God protects the safe)

It is wiser to take precautions and be careful in order to avoid potential negative consequences or regret

It emphasizes the importance of being proactive and considering potential risks before making decisions or taking actions.

By adopting a mindset of “better safe than sorry,” individuals prioritize safety, preparedness, and risk management. They recognize that it is often more prudent to take preventive measures or exercise caution rather than dealing with the potential negative outcomes that could arise from being careless or unprepared.

This principle can be applied in various aspects of life, such as personal safety, health, finance, and decision-making. It encourages individuals to consider the potential consequences of their actions and make choices that minimize risks and maximize positive outcomes.

However, it is also important to strike a balance between being cautious and not excessively limiting oneself due to fear or overthinking. While it is wise to take precautions, it is equally important to approach situations with a reasonable level of confidence and optimism.

Overall, the phrase “better safe than sorry” serves as a reminder to prioritize preparedness, consider potential risks, and make informed decisions in order to minimize regrets and negative outcomes.

How can I apply the principle of “better safe than sorry” in my personal life?

Applying the principle of “better safe than sorry” in your personal life involves taking proactive measures to reduce risks and increase your overall well-being. Here are some ways you can apply this principle:

Safety precautions

Prioritize your personal safety by adopting safety measures in different areas of your life. This can include using seat belts while driving, wearing protective gear during physical activities, installing smoke detectors and security systems in your home, and practicing safe habits when it comes to handling potentially dangerous substances or tools.

Health and well-being

Take steps to maintain and improve your physical and mental health. This can involve regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, managing stress, and seeking medical attention when needed. It’s better to be proactive in taking care of your health than to neglect it and face potential health issues later on.

Financial planning

Practice prudent financial management to secure your financial well-being. Save money for emergencies, create a budget, and avoid unnecessary debt. Consider insurance coverage that can protect you from unexpected events, such as health insurance, life insurance, and property insurance. Being financially prepared can help you avoid financial hardships and provide a sense of security.


When making important decisions, take the time to assess potential risks and consequences. Gather information, weigh the pros and cons, and consider alternative options. By considering the potential negative outcomes and taking appropriate precautions, you can make more informed choices that minimize regrets and increase the likelihood of positive outcomes.

Relationship boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries in your relationships can contribute to your emotional well-being. Communicate your needs, set limits, and be assertive in expressing your boundaries. This can help prevent situations where you might feel taken advantage of or emotionally drained.


In today’s digital world, protecting your online presence is crucial. Use strong and unique passwords, enable two-factor authentication, be cautious about sharing personal information online, and regularly update your software and devices. Taking these precautions can help safeguard your sensitive information and reduce the risk of falling victim to cybercrimes.

Remember, while it is important to be cautious and prepared, it’s also essential to strike a balance and not let fear or excessive worry hold you back from enjoying life and taking calculated risks.

Давайте почуємо голос Землі!

Нас картає Земля за жорстоке до неї відношення.
За ті болі, що ми спричиняємо їй звідусіль.
Гірко стогне Земля: “Я дарую вам стільки хорошого.
Чом же, люди, на рани мої ви ще й сиплете сіль?

Кришталеві річки ви давно забруднили отрутою.
Хімікатами нищите скрізь чорноземи мої.
Ви ж бо діти мої. Чом же стали до мене ви лютими?
Неспроможна вже я відродити ліси і гаї.

Ваші вчинки, о люди, стають нелогічними, дивними,
Там, де ви, неодмінно щось гине, псується, димить.
Наді мною повітря вже стало важким і задимленим.
А умиюсь дощем – легше дихати тільки на мить.

І все гірше мені. Вже стаю я для вас небезпечною.
А між іншим, все краще людині іде від Землі.
То, можливо, мені свої сильні підставите плечі ви?
Щоб здоров’я не втратили ваші нащадки малі…

Я Земля. Я благаю: з’єднайте зусилля, о люди!
І очистіть довкілля моє, і його збережіть.
Лиш при цьому майбутнє у вас, у дітей ваших буде.
Вам, земляни мої, стане легше і дихать, і жить.”

Це вірш, який написала Віолетта Дворецька,  нагадує нам про важливість бережливого ставлення до нашої планети та потребу змінити свої вчинки для збереження навколишнього середовища.

Слова твору можуть слугувати нагадуванням про необхідність прийняти відповідальність та діяти для захисту природи. Він також показує, як наші дії впливають на Землю і наголошує на тому, що ми повинні працювати разом, щоб забезпечити майбутнє для наших нащадків.

Заклик автора може надихнути нас до дійсних кроків у напрямку екологічної свідомості та сталого розвитку, таких як зменшення викидів забруднюючих речовин, використання відновлюваних джерел енергії, утримання водних ресурсів та охорона біорізноманіття.

Кожен з нас може внести свій внесок у збереження Землі. Це може включати екологічно свідомі рішення щодо використання енергії, утилізації відходів, вибору екологічно чистих продуктів та поширення свідомості про екологічні проблеми серед інших людей.



Appearance and properties

The name of this stone brings back memories of Tolkien’s Silmarils. However, in reality everything is more prosaic. Sillimanite was named after Benjamin Silliman, a prominent American scientist of the 19th century. Another name – fibrolite (translated as “fibrous stone”) – it received because it is often found in the form of a dense bundle of fiber crystals.

Sillimanite stone is an aluminum silicate. It occurs in the form of columnar crystals of round or prismatic shape or in the form of dense fibrous aggregates. Often forms thin hair-like inclusions in the rock.

The color of sillimanite varies from grayish white to blue, green or purple, with black or colorless specimens rarely found. Crystals can be either opaque or transparent. Sometimes there is a “cat’s eye” effect.

Sillimanite has two polymorphic modifications (minerals of the same composition, but different in crystal structure): kyanite (kyanite) and andalusite.








Place of Birth

Transparent sillimanites of gem quality come from Myanmar (the modern name of Burma), Sri Lanka. Beautiful examples of cat’s eye stones are found in India. The main deposits of fibrous stones of industrial importance are located in the USA, Germany, and Austria.



Sillimanite, as well as its polymorphs kyanite and andalusite, is widely used for the manufacture of high-quality fire-resistant and acid-resistant materials. To obtain optimal results, a mixture of these minerals is used. For example, disthene-sillimanite is a powdery concentrate for the industrial production of refractories.

Such materials are used:

  • in the aviation industry;
  • in non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy;
  • in the automotive industry;
  • for the production of ceramics and glass.
    Large transparent stones are sometimes cut and used in jewelry. Fibrous crystals with a pronounced “cat’s eye” effect are cut into cabochons and are also used in jewelry or decoration.

Healing properties

The healing properties of sillimanite have been little studied. Its use in lithotherapy is dictated by the color of the crystals:

  • green stones help with eye diseases, hypertension;
  • blue ones heal skin diseases and have an antiseptic effect;
  • colorless treat diseases of the genitourinary system.

Magic properties

Esotericists do not give a clear description of the magical properties of sillimanite. However, there are many beliefs about the miraculous power of amulets made from this stone. In some countries, it is a talisman for travelers, helping to avoid accidents, disasters and crashes. Talismans made of sillimanite with the “cat’s eye” effect are traditionally considered protectors from the evil eye, damage, and evil spells. Transparent stones set in silver can prolong youth and preserve vitality.

Stone – TEMPLE…

It can be completely different. The stone is a rare jewel, the likes of which are not found anywhere in the world. And for him, external shine and rich frames do not matter. The stone has enough light and genuine beauty within it to be a priceless treasure in any environment.

Joint projects of the club “Art of the Word” and the NGO “Music of the Earth” combine the energies of stones and minerals with the creative energy of the individual. This unity allows you to more deeply comprehend the essence of a particular stone with the help of imaginative perception, intuition and creative thinking. And through knowledge of stone, we come to new facets of self-knowledge. With the help of these energies, a person’s creative potential is revealed, and he himself creates his life, his space and his reality. Stones open up new facets of personality and creative potential in a person by studying minerals and acting skills, creating their creative energies and directing them into the Universe, perceiving and comprehending the energies of stones and minerals. Stones are helpers. They reveal new facets of Existence and human beings on Earth.




About the mineral

Phlogopite is a fairly common and popular mineral in our time, which belongs to the mica group. From Greek “phlogeros” means fiery. Indeed, phlogopite is distinguished by reddish hues that resemble flashes of flame. At the end of the 19th century, Breithaupt introduced this name; now it is found everywhere in scientific literature and is the main one.
The mineral is quite common, but almost never occurs on its own. Found and developed together with other minerals. Most often together with:

  • ultrabasite;
  • kimberlite;
  • carbonatite;
  • calcifire.

When they talk about the origin of phlogopite, disputes begin between geologists and mineralogists. This is because the mineral has not a dual, but a triple origin:

  • metasomatic;
  • igneous;
  • metamorphic.


Phlogopite is a magnesium aluminosilicate. Formula – KMg3[AlSi3O10](OH,F)2. Almost always has impurities. They are found in different proportions and greatly influence the appearance, structure and color of phlogopite:

  • sodium;
  • titanium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • calcium.

The mineral phlogopite has a glassy good luster. In some cases, you can notice a pearlescent sheen. Phlogopite is often translucent, less often transparent. Its fracture is mica-like. Settings are low. Hardness – 2.5 according to the Mohs table. Density – 2.8 g/cm3.

May be in different colors. Phlogopite happens:


grayish white






An interesting fact is that phlogopite crystals grow up to two meters long. The longer they are, the more valuable they are. Phlogopite is rarely used in jewelry, but there are still cases. The stone is often used as a talisman or amulet.

Magic properties

The magical properties of the mineral have been poorly studied. Lithotherapists shrug their shoulders, and in some cases confuse this mineral with others. The magical effect can be different, they usually say that it all depends on the coloring. For example, if we are dealing with a reddish pebble, then it will help in love, with its help you will find your soulmate.

Colorless will give success in work and affairs. Silver brings happiness to the family. Dark, brown specimens will give passive people energy and enthusiasm. Most often the stone is worn around the neck. As a talisman it will protect against negative influences. But this cannot be said to be a strong blocking stone. A strong evil eye or damage breaks through it. But it will help you avoid meeting bad people and warn you of danger.

Taking a piece of mineral in your palm,

I feel the mystery of the Universe.

I feel like this is exactly what I was looking for –

A small piece of mortal life

He was born in a fairy cave,

There are countless of his friends there.

The soul lives in it, I believe in it

And I want to read his story

I look into his eyes openly,

I hear the music of his vibrations.

Something in him is hidden from us –

Secret echo of coronations

I reached out with my thoughts and my heart,

He responded with warmth in his palm.

And it seems to me that the door has opened –

Entering there will fulfill my dreams




General characteristics

A rare precious mineral of extraordinary purple color, sagilite stone is of particular value to mineral connoisseurs. The stone received its name in honor of the Japanese mineralogist Kenichi Suga. It was he who first discovered and described a new mineral in 1944.

Sugi initially assumed that the specimens he found were purple turquoise. Chemical analysis dispelled this misconception and pointed to the discovery of a new mineral, later known as sagilite.

The main feature of this stone is its color. Minerals of soft violet, bright violet or purple colors characteristic of sagilite are practically not found in nature. There are also individual specimens of pink, lilac, lilac, and yellowish-brown colors. The chemical formula of the gem is KNa2(Fe,Mn,Al)2Li3Si12O30. The complex chemical composition explains the rare physical properties of the mineral.

Sagilite is a hard stone. Its translucent crystals shine through in the sun and have an attractive glassy sheen. Each mineral sample has a unique pattern with inclusions and ornate patterns. Such inclusions can set off the main color of the stone and give it royal sophistication.

Basic physical properties:

  • hardness – 6-6.5
  • shine – glass
  • strength – high
  • transparency – shines through
  • density – 2.7-2.8 g/cm3

Place of Birth

Today, only three deposits of sagilite are known in the world: the Japanese archipelago – the place of the first discovery, the Kalahari Desert in South Africa and central India. Over all this time, only 5 thousand kilograms of this raw material have been extracted, and the current deposits have already exhausted their reserves.


Sagilite is used as a valuable jewelry material. The high price makes it an elite class stone. The gem is cut into a cabochon and inserted into designer jewelry. Lenticular specimens are used to make bracelets, beads and pendants, and transparent specimens are used to make inserts into rings and earrings.

Magic properties

Sagilite has the ability to awaken love. The owner of this gem will never experience disappointment in love. He will love and remain loved until the end of his days. His heart will open and find his true soulmate.

Meaning in astrology

Sagilite is the talisman of Virgo. It enhances the positive aspects of their life and protects them from possible troubles. For other zodiac signs, sagilite exhibits its usual magical properties.

Medicinal properties

Sagilite normalizes hormonal levels and has a positive effect on the human psyche. It is recommended to wear it for depression, stress, schizophrenia, and autism. It also protects against cancer and blocks the development of tumors in the human body.

Sagilite is my favorite stone.
Changeable and unusually beautiful.
Sometimes he casts indigo, sometimes
Turns purple-blue, full of mystery.
He feels the mood of his owner,
Promises success and self-confidence.
Perhaps he is the messenger of the gods above,
And it will be a talisman in my life


Lifestyle and beauty trends January 2024

This is the latest edition of the Google Trends newsletter, with a focus today on entertainment, lifestyle and beauty trends from January 2024.

Top Trends

  • Virginia was the top state searching “pier” in the past day after news broke of a car driving off of the Virginia Beach pier

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  • Searches for “rain and snow mixed” rose +450% in the past day

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Find more daily top Trends here >>

Daily Quiz 

What was searched more so far in January

resolution or goal?

The questions
Trending questions in January 2024, US


All data based on January 2024, US

  • “Iowa caucus results” was the top trending News search in the past month

  • Car donation was the top trending “donation” search topic in the past month

  • “school closings near me” searches rose +2,000% across the US in the past month

GRAPH: Search interest in “why is it so cold” is currently at a record high in January 2024 in the US


All data based on January 2024, US

  • Search interest in “japan to vegas” reached a five-year high January 2024

  • The top trending search about Vanderpump Rules is “vanderpump tiger”

  • “How to watch Dolphins Chiefs” was the top trending “how to watch”

Trending TV shows

  1. Fool Me Once

  2. Loudermilk

  3. True Detective

  4. The Bear

  5. White Lotus

Trending songs

  1.  yes and?

  2. American Idiot

  3. Tha Crossroads

  4. Auld Lang Syne

  5. Lovin on Me


All data based on January 2024, US

  • shop personalized heart bracelets is the top trending shopping search

  • “how to make snow ice cream” is the top trending “how to make” search

  • super bowl logo conspiracy theory is the top trending theory search

Trending “trends”

  1. Mob wife trend

  2. I think I like this little life trend

  3. Nose cover trend

  4. Loud budgeting trend

  5. Grape trend

Daily Quiz Answer

% of both topics search interest combined

Answer: goal

Simon Rogers

Data Editor, Google


With Sabrina Elfarra

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